Elegance Beauty at The Liberty offers one of the widest range of beauty & spa treatments for both our male and female clientele. Our treatment menus are there to help you choose the treatment which is right for you and give you the approximate time each treatment will take. You can book online for your convienience, make an appointment by telephone or call in or we do endevour to offer a walk in service so you can get a treatment there and then.
UV light stimulates the production of Vitamin D3, essential in our bodies for bones to absorb calcium and prevent osteoporosis. It counteracts the 'winter blues' or the effects of S.A.D. (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder). Pre-holiday tanning greatly reduces the risk of burning, setting up the skin, allowing you to go into the sun sooner for longer. Post-holiday tanning prolongs your tan leaving you looking and feeling better all year around.
With its next generation UV technologies, Ergoline is a world leader. Their in-house development department comes up with regular ground-breaking innovations, making constant improvements when it comes to comfort, efficiency and safety.
The Optimized Performance concept sets the standard for 0.3 sunbeds – producing significantly improved tanning results without any increased risk of sunburn. New Ultra Performance Plus technology is another impressive example of Ergoline’s UV expertise, with its combination of computer-generated glass reflectors, additional 25W UV-B spaghetti lamps and filter glasses with special coating. The result is a visibly better tan than you get from standard sunbeds.
Getting the Most Out of Sunbed:
> The preparation stage is arguably the most important when you are planning to use a sunbed.
> Remove any make up or perfume from your skin, which is really important as some cosmetics can react with the UV light used by the tanning bed and cause you problems.
> Another thing to do before using a tanning bed is to remove all of your jewellery: if you leave it on then you will get white marks where it has lain against your skin and it will get hot, which could be uncomfortable under the tanning lights.
> Also, if you are taking any medication, check with your doctor before you use a sunbed as some medicines can react to the light – your safety is the most important thing, so make sure you take it seriously.
> When you are on the sunbed, you should be wearing goggles to protect your eyes from the rays of light as shutting your eyes won’t offer you sufficient protection.
> You should also make sure you are wearing tanning lotion as this will help to protect your skin and prevent it from drying out while you are on the bed.
> If you are worried by any itchiness or burning sensations while you are on the tanning bed, stop using it immediately. It’s unlikely that you will have any issues but you need to be aware just in case.
> While on the sunbed is to move occasionally. This is because you can end up with white patches on your lower back and shoulder blades if you stay still, due to fewer blood vessels and the fact that you are resting on them. Moving slightly should help ensure even tan coverage.
> Once you have completed your sunbed session, it is important that you keep your skin hydrated. Avoid the shower for a couple of hours after your session so the tanning lotion can continue to do its work and also moisturise your skin every day to keep it supple and soft.
> The colour of your tan will take a short time to develop, so don’t panic if you don’t look bronzed straight away.
> You should also avoid using a sunbed again for at least 48 hours in order to protect your skin.
> It’s much healthier to build your tan up slowly, so don’t worry if you don’t see a change immediately. Just make sure you monitor your skin so you can spot any worrying changes as soon as they occur and get them taken care of. As long as you look after yourself properly, though, and use sunbeds according to the instructions, you should be just fine – and a gorgeous tan will be yours before long.